Monday, October 31, 2011

Nixon's 1st Halloween!

Our Family at Saddleback's BLOCKtober 2011
I <3 Nixon's adorable pink boots from Auntie April!

To celebrate Nixon's First Halloween out (she spent last year in the NICU at Hoag), We went to Blocktober @ Saddleback, and then to HB to visit Nurse Kim, and see the Spooky FairyTale Scene! It was an exciting night- I think we're going to make this an annual event! 

Nixon with her Grammy

She Loved the view from Daddy's shoulders!

I Love my Family!

Nurse Kim and Her son Sam (We LOVE them!)
The beginning! Jack and the BeanStalk

Nixon and Daddy by the Gingerbread house
The Mad Hatter & Alice at the Tea Party

King Triton and Ariel's Tail, after she becomes a Human

The 3 Bears Eating GoldieLocks

Cinderella's Carriage, and the Mice

Cards from Alice in Wonderland


  1. I realized that last night, and why you posted that you bought 26 bags of Halloween candy! LOL


Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers